What work would you do for free?

¿Qué trabajo desempeñarías gratis?

I’d gladly said as a Gigolo but to my age is not as pleasure as most people may think.😝

I’ve done a lot of work for free. I helped friends in different carries just because of friendship. I’ve help family because of that although they haven’t help me ever. I’ve helped people because they asked or needed that help. Most of this help has been done because I was young, I didn’t need to work in order to live. Nowadays I can’t work for free because I teached my belly to eat everyday.👷

In conclusion, I don’t work for free.🧐

Una respuesta a “What work would you do for free?

  1. A job I would do for free is a job that plays a role in taking care of babies… I love babies… when I retire I plan to volunteer for the nursery at a hospital… I may not wait until I retire🤔

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